Astro Weather Report: Reckoning in Libra

November 26, 2021

As Autumn comes rolling in, we are called to reckon with that which needs to die.

As Autumn comes rolling in, we're reminded that a time of death and stillness is on its way. And while we wait, we get to watch the gorgeous cycle of death, with all of its vibrancy and crunch.

We also find ourselves presently among powerful astrology which is calling us to reckon with that which needs to die.

With Mercury now retrograde in Libra, the great slowing down and judgment begins. And with Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Libra, the self-advocacy you may have been denying yourself might be rearing its head.

Mercury retrogrades are blamed for unusual difficulty, but really anything going awry is asking us to stop, slow down, and take a look around. Especially in Libra, who is always seeking justice (and in tandem with Venus Scorpio and Mars libra), now is a time to ask yourself:

What isn't working anymore? What am I finally waking up to?

Is it a habit, a person, a part of my worldview? Is it a reaction based on an old wound that doesn't fit in my current situation?

What boundaries do I need to establish or adjust? How can I advocate for that which serves me, and let go of that which does not?

This retrograde in particular is part of a 3 Mercury retrograde cycle, the last of 2021. So think back to February and June. Is there a major thematic connection between then and now? Something that you keep thinking but not acting on? A wound or conversation that keeps coming back around?

Now is the time to consider that, and consider how it plays into the questions I've posed above.

Remember, we often don't learn unless we fall down. There is no shame in the trying and the falling and the trying again. That is what it is to be human, after all.

So as we enter Autumn, we ourselves are seeing our leaves change, shrivel, and peel off our branches. And they're beautiful little things, aren't they? But it's time to let go, and to rest, and make room for new growth that is yet to come.

It's still the same tree. Just different leaves.